Saturday, 11 June 2011

enviornment developement

spill on how it looks and more on what it need to make it BETTER!

Friday, 3 June 2011

This is a break down of the Time machine in picture (3) showing the defuse, defuse + ambient occlusion, rim light, and rim light + specular.

render tests

Here are 3 seperate progresions of our render techniques.

Each pass uses a defuse, ambient occlusion and rim light pass apart from the third which uses all 3 and a specular pass. i would find it realy helpful to know waht people prefer.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

these are some stills of the objects i mentioned before gimmi a shout if you like or not, the feed back would be greatly appreciated at this stage of production.
ok so work has begun and its looking not too shabby.

ive modelled a fair amount of random crap to occupy the free space in the study and lab but now the focus has turned to the enviornment itself. Mark and i have been working for the past couple of days on different textures and render passes in order to get the right look and i think we're prety close.

I'll be posting up some images of the random object to see if the style is prominant enough and also some developed render passes of the time machine and of a gramaphone.

please let me know what you think.